Page 109 - ELD Vol 14
P. 109

              •  500mm long
              •  Wall and ceiling mounting
              •  IP20
              •  Metal

                                                    Dimensions:                                 TRACK LIGHTING
                                                    500mm x 20mm x 30mm
              PART NO.       COLOUR
              700131       MATT WHITE
              700132       MATT BLACK

              •  1000mm long
              •  Wall and ceiling mounting
              •  IP20
              •  Metal

                                       1000mm x 20mm x 30mm

              PART NO.       COLOUR
              700231       MATT WHITE
              700232       MATT BLACK

              Power Supply (Mount Over)               Flex Power Supply
              •  Wall and ceiling mounting            •  Wall and ceiling mounting
              •  IP20                                 •  IP20
              •  Plastic                              •  Plastic
              •  The middle/end power supply is mounted   •  The flexible power supply is required in addition
                directly over the power outlet and enables tracks   if the tracks cannot be mounted directly over the
                to be connected on one                   power outlet
                or both sides

                      Dimensions:                             Dimensions:
                IP20  135mm x 50mm x 30mm                IP20  135mm x 95mm x 30mm
              PART NO.       COLOUR                    PART NO.       COLOUR
              701031       MATT WHITE                  701231       MATT WHITE
              701032       MATT BLACK                  701232       MATT BLACK
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